I liked a description you had a few posts back about how legal restrictions make potential building sites "infinite cost" for certain locations. For homeowners that's the most wonderful thing in the universe---if they own single family zoned property in a desirable neighborhood they have an investment that beats all stock markets, bond m…
I liked a description you had a few posts back about how legal restrictions make potential building sites "infinite cost" for certain locations. For homeowners that's the most wonderful thing in the universe---if they own single family zoned property in a desirable neighborhood they have an investment that beats all stock markets, bond markets, precious metals, crypto, etc...
I liked a description you had a few posts back about how legal restrictions make potential building sites "infinite cost" for certain locations. For homeowners that's the most wonderful thing in the universe---if they own single family zoned property in a desirable neighborhood they have an investment that beats all stock markets, bond markets, precious metals, crypto, etc...
And they will vote to keep it that way.